Chapter 7 Lawyer

Don't Let Debt Defeat You: Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Can Provide a Fresh Start

If you're plagued by debt, filing Chapter 7 bankruptcy may be the most effective way to protect yourself from creditor harassment and start afresh.

Coggins, Harman and Hewitt is a licensed bankruptcy attorney ready to help you file for Chapter 7 and make the phone calls stop. We've helped numerous clients absolve themselves of debt and can do the same for you. Some advantages to filing Chapter 7 with Coggins, Harman and Hewitt include:

  • Help analyzing your debt
  • Determining your property exemptions
  • Assuring your eligibility for Chapter 7
  • Reaffirming your secured debts
  • Assistance filing all the necessary Chapter 7 forms

Beyond guiding you through the Chapter 7 process, Coggins, Harman and Hewitt will instruct you as to the best course of action. Chapter 7 isn't for everyone, and there are numerous factors to consider. No matter your situation, you can always trust Coggins, Harman and Hewitt to provide honest legal counsel that helps with your debt.

Don't Let Debt Ruin Your Life; Get Your Debt Absolved With the Help of Coggins, Harman and Hewitt.

To schedule a free consultation please call us today!

Why Choose Us?
  • Appointment flexibility
  • Evening hours
  • Free initial consultation
  • Providing bankruptcy advice for over 33 years

Call Today! (301) 424-8520